Tag Archives: Eri Machimoto

Episode 11: Jenny Nulf Cuts Into ‘Exte: Hair Extensions’

At Certified Forgotten, we beg our guests to bring us the weird, the wacky, and the exquisitely warped. AAAFF Programming Director Jenny Nulf does just that with Sion Sono‘s Exte: Hair Extensions. Ms. Nulf, a veritable Japanese Horror encyclopedia, had her pick of eligible Sono titles. Thankfully, she selected the one with a creepy villain’s song about “my hair” (“my hey-yah”) and supernatural salon possessions. Oh, and you better believe it earns massive praise from both Matts.

In this Certified Forgotten episode, we are all pupils. Jenny goes hard into J-horror history by tying Sono’s catalog, American remakes, and countless other genre milestones together with silky jet-black strands. She talks the talk, walks the walk, and puts her expertise on display. She’s a real, wait for it, hair-cut above the competition? Oh, quiet. Don’t get snip-py with me!

Nobody can prepare for the obscure insanity of Exte: Hair Extensions. Maybe if you’ve devoured countless other Sion Sono titles? Perverse obsession mixes with organ snatching subplots and satirical Hallmark Channel deliveries to stylize something bafflingly unique. Dismemberment, slithery effects, the works. What else would you expect from Sono? Listen carefully as both Matts lose their collective minds over everything from “eye bangs” appreciation to national satires, both foreign and domestic.

We usually drop a trailer below for y’all, as a means of instigating your own pre-episode watch. This time? Sorry, that “My Hair” song is too good to be missed. Lyrics and music by Sion Sono himself!

Exte: Hair Extensions is currently not available on streaming platforms. We highly suggest you snag a copy on DVD off Amazon like we did for this episode.

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