Tag Archives: Andrew Parkinson

Episode 13: Matt Barone Survives The ‘Little Deaths’

Around these parts, we think two Matts are better than one. But three Matts? Could the fabric of space and time withstand a podcast episode that adds Brooklyn Horror Film Festival and Tribeca programmer Matt Barone into the mix? Matt Donato, Matt Monagle, and Matt Barone all broadcasting over the same frequency. Brace yourselves for a triple-namesake-threat.

In this episode of Certified Forgotten, Matt B. confesses his taboo attraction to 2011’s Little Deaths. A psycho-sexual horror anthology influenced by the “La petite mort” phenomenon, a French phrase that describes “the sensation of post-orgasm as likened to death.” Sean Hogan, Andrew Parkinson, and Simon Rumley embrace outlandish kinks with their three scandalous segments, none of which include a happy ending. The kind you’re thinking of, at least.

Upon the release of Little Deaths, horror cinema was coming off a burst of “extremist” genre cinema that tested audience boundaries. Titles like The Human Centipede or A Serbian Film. Where horror watchers once dared each other to endure something that seemed like a challenge, Little Deaths may have been just a bit too like to his dare-dangerous market. To the point where viewers needed more substance than offensive repugnance to scratch their darkest itches.

In any case, tune in to learn about how Matt Barone’s upbringing and love of hip-hop pointed him towards a career of seeking out horror’s latest, greatest, and upcoming hits. A man who knows what he wants, and in the case of Little Deaths, isn’t afraid of exposing his desires to the public in hopes someone else might find equal gratification.

Little Deaths is now available to stream on Shudder. You can also rent it on Amazon, Google Play, and many other streaming platforms.

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