Episode 30: Lindsay Traves Succumbs To a ‘Fugue’
December 9th, 2020 | By Matthew Monagle

What kind of a movie does $20,000 buy you? If you’re writer-director Tomas Street, it buys you a sharp little thriller about memory loss and heists gone wrong. In his 2018 debut feature Fugue, Street and a team of motivated actors were able to stretch every dollar and craft a surprisingly sharp thriller in the vein of early Christopher Nolan films like Following and Memento.
As a work of micro-budget filmmaking, Fugue is a triumph. But this is no damning with faint praise – there are plenty of things to like about the movie beyond the hustle of its creators (and the incredible beard of lead Jack Foley, also known as Fashion Santa to the Toronto crowd), and we are here to talk about them all.
On this week’s episode of Certified Forgotten, the Matts are joined by lawyer and film critic Lindsay Traves. Traves shares her winding road to film criticism – from her legal career to copious amounts of night school – and dives into Fugue, one of her favorite festival finds from the past few years.
Lindsay Traves
Twitter: @smashtraves
Instagram: @smashtraves
Selected Works:
“Harley Quinn and Anti-Semitism in Progressive Spaces” (WhatToWatch)
“The Future of Horror Hinges on the Friday the 13th Lawsuit” (Certified Forgotten)
“With The Craft: Legacy Dropped on PVOD, Blumhouse Shows How It Values Female-Made Horror” (Pajiba)
You can rent Fugue on Vimeo or Apple Movies. Check out the rest of our podcast episodes on our Podcasts page.